The main directions of the conference are:
— Sanskrit philosophical texts: problems of reading and interpretation.
— Classical Indian philosophy: terminological analysis of basic philosophical terms on the examples of Yoga, Sāṅkhya, Vedānta, Mīmāṃsa, Nyāya, Vaiśeṣika, Buddhist schools, Jainism.
— Methodology of study of highly developed non-European philosophical traditions.
— The role of Sanskrit in the history of Indian literature.
Submissions are also being accepted For the following topics:
— Sanskritology
— Buddhist studies
— Literary studies
— Research methodology and history of indology
— Reception of Indian culture in Russia and the West
Within the framework of the conference will be held:
— Scientific seminar: «Intellectual Theatre». Open lectures on Buddhism.
— Scientific seminar: «Hermeneutic Circle: Breaking Points». Reading of texts in Sanskrit.